Monday, October 7, 2013

Smokeless E Cigarettes Help Smokers Quit

English: Chart showing the different uses of t...
English: Chart showing the different uses of the electronic cigarette. Based on data from "Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) as potential tobacco harm reduction products: Results of an online survey of e-cigarette users", a paper produced by the Project at University of Alberta School of Public Health. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Smoking is more and more becoming an unaccepted habit. Businesses, restaurants, airlines and even public buildings ban smoking. Tobacco smoke has been proven to be harmful not only to smokers, but to the people they live and work with. However, nicotine is one of the hardest drugs to quit, so many smokers who want to quit cannot. Smokeless E cigarettes provide a safer, more socially acceptable way of getting a nicotine fix without harming others from second hand smoke.

One great place to purchase smokeless electronic cigarettes is VIAe Cigs, which has their own line of smokeless cigarette products. Customers can choose from starter kits, different flavors of liquid smoke refills or replacement cartridges.

Advantages of E-Cigarettes

It's not the tobacco that hooks smokers, but the nicotine in the tobacco. E-cigarettes do not contain tobacco, so they do not need regulation from the FDA. This makes it much easier to purchase online than tobacco products. E-cigarette holders heat up liquid containing nicotine. This produces a smoke-like vapor that helps simulate the smoking experience without actually smoking.

This vapor does not cause dangerous second-hand smoke containing carcinogens, but does not have the powerful odor of tobacco smoke. Vapor does not permeate fabrics like tobacco smoke does. It quickly evaporates instead of lingering for days after the smoker has left the room.

Studies About E-Cigarettes

A large 2013 study done in the UK looked at the smoking habits of over 1,400 e-cigarette customers. 76 percent of respondents said that the main reason they smoke e-cigarettes is to quit smoking. There have been fears that smokeless E cigarettes would increase a smoker's nicotine addiction but this does not seem to be what is happening.

Another study from 2013 published in "Tobacco Control" magazine, showed that vapor from twelve brands of electronic cigarettes was much less harmful that smoke from tobacco cigarettes. The study compared harmful ingredients in e-cigarettes and tobacco cigarettes. Depending on the ingredient, e-cigarettes contained from 9 to 450 times less of the ingredient than tobacco cigarettes.
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  1. Being a former smoker I only wish I had access to ecigs when I was trying to quit the habit. I just gave a friend of mine who is trying to kick the habit her first VIAe and she really liked it. It's always gratifying to pay it forward.

  2. I just saw an article in Forbes magazine stating that the FDA is shielding the good news about E-cigarettes. That's amazing.

  3. I never knew there were any real alternatives to regular cigarettes. I wish these were around a lot earlier. They could have saved my fathers life. He smoked for 45 years and it eventually gave him a heart attack. I know this product will help people stop smoking conventional cigarettes, or at the very least save them from the many toxic chemicals that comes with smoking regular cigs! :O

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