There’s a reason that e-cigarettes are on track to become a $1.7 billion dollar industry this year.
Do you know why?
Simply put, they are catching on with the masses in a way that envies all but the latest fashion trends – except e-cigarettes are here to stay. From additional research with the FDA, to ongoing legislation about where they can (and cannot) be smoked, e-cigarettes are a hot topic everywhere.
If you don’t want to take our word for it, just ask Raymond and Kerry Medina from Ephrata, Pa. who recently opened up their own e-cigarette store. Their business concept will center on providing customers all the equipment and cartridges they need to take their e-cigarette smoking to the next level.
And by next level, we mean Apple Jacks and Mountain Dew, two flavors which don’t mimic traditional tobacco tastes. These unique flavors help some smokers separate vaping into a category of its one.
Viewpoints on Vaping from Industry Experts
Smoking cessation experts, on the other hand, tend to view vaping not as a technique for quitting, but as a step in the right direction. If you ask Mary Levasseur, a smoking cessation counselor for Lancaster General Health, she’ll tell you, "I'm not pulling an e-cigarette out of anybody's mouth, but I'm going to point them to FDA-approved methods of quitting.”
e-cigarette users will tell you that vaping makes it easier to quit, even if it doesn’t eliminate the use of nicotine. Since e-cigarettes are designed to mimic real cigarettes, they help get users on a path to lessen their nicotine intake.
One Tobacco Palace employee estimates that 90% of her customers use the device to help them stop smoking. However, since the FDA is still working towards researching the effects of the nicotine solution on users, e-cigarettes can’t be marketed in the same was as, say, a nicotine patch or chewing gum.
Viewpoints of Smokers who Have Switched
On the other side, of course, are the viewpoints of those who have successfully switched from tobacco cigarettes to e-cigarettes. While some smokers feel it’s just not the same, most can’t believe how much their health has improved.
The Medinas, mentioned above as owners of their own e-cigarette store, used to tease each other about their frequent sinus issues. Now, they have an easier time breathing and whiter teeth. They’ve also eliminated the smell of smoke from their lives since e-cigarettes don’t have the same unpleasant odor as tobacco cigarettes.
And while some folks feel the switch over to e-cigarettes requires a dedication to quit smoking, the vast majority simply can’t stop talking about the positive effects of the product. After all, they say, how can a nicotine solution with just five to 10 ingredients even remotely compare to a smoking tobacco that contains almost 600 ingredients?
eCigarettes, for sure, are here to stay. At least that’s what everyone is saying. And the staggering profits and boutique new stores are fully supporting the trend.
If you are wondering what is going on at all the vaping shops opening up around town, check out this blog.